Top-level and global simulation settings

The entire world definition file must be contained within a top-level tag <mvsim_world>. At present, a world-definition version number may optionally be added as an attribute, with 1.0 the current version.

Available parameters (all are optional):

  • <simul_timestep>0</simul_timestep>. The fixed timestep in seconds for numerical integration of the physics engine. Note that if T is larger than the smallest period of a given sensor, some sensor readings will be missed. That is why there is a “magic” value of T of 0 (the default) which automatically analyze all sensors and sets this timestep accordingly to ensure no reading is lost.

  • <gravity>9.81</gravity>. Gravity acceleration (m/s²), in the negative Z axis direction (i.e. downwards).

  • <joystick_enabled>false</joystick_enabled>. If enabled, a gamepad or joystick can be used to control the selected vehicle. (Default is false hence no responding to gamepads).

  • <server_address>localhost</server_address>. The IP address the server must be bound to. Refer to Architecture.

  • <b2d_vel_iters>8</b2d_vel_iters> and <b2d_pos_iters>3</b2d_pos_iters>. Velocity and position iteration count (refer to libbox2d docs).

  • <save_to_rawlog>my_dataset.rawlog</save_to_rawlog>: If present, all sensor observations will be saved into an MRPT dataset in .rawlog format. One file will be created per vehicle, by adding the vehicle name to the provided file name.

  • <rawlog_odometry_rate>10.0</rawlog_odometry_rate>: If save_to_rawlog is enabled, this parameter defines the rate (in Hz) to generate (wheels) odometry observations (Default is 10 Hz).

  • <save_ground_truth_trajectory>gt.txt</save_ground_truth_trajectory>: If non-empty, the ground truth trajectory of all vehicles will be saved to a text file in the TUM trajectory format. One file will be created per vehicle, by adding the vehicle name to the provided file name.

  • <ground_truth_rate>50.0</ground_truth_rate>: If save_ground_truth_trajectory is enabled, this parameter defines the rate (in Hz) to generate entries in the trajectory file (Default is 50 Hz).

Top-level and global settings example
     <mvsim_world version="1.0">
             <!-- General simulation options -->
             <simul_timestep>0</simul_timestep> <!-- Simulation fixed-time interval for numerical integration [s], or 0 to auto-determine -->

             <!-- Normally disabled: If this tag is present, *all* sensor data is also stored
              into an MRPT rawlog file. Useful for collecting datasets without ROS. -->
             <!-- <save_to_rawlog>sensor_dataset.rawlog</save_to_rawlog> -->