mvsim cli

The command-line interface (cli) application mvsim is the main entry-point to run, query, or modify a running simulation from a command line terminal. It can be used to launch standalone simulations (without ROS), or to modify, manipulate, or query a running simulation within a ROS system.


The ROS node is a different cli application, named mvsim_node instead. The ROS package mvsim ships both executables: mvsim and mvsim_node. See mvsim ROS node.

Invoking mvsim

Make sure you have compiled or installed MVSim, and that the executable named mvsim is in your PATH. If you installed it as a ROS package, activating the ROS environment (setup.bash) is enough.

If this command works, you can go on with the next commands:

$ mvsim --version

You can get a list of available commands with:

$ mvsim --help
mvsim v0.7.2: A lightweight multivehicle simulation environment.

Available commands:
   mvsim launch <WORLD.xml>  Start a comm. server and simulates a world.
   mvsim server              Start a standalone communication server.
   mvsim node                List connected nodes, etc.
   mvsim topic               Inspect, publish, etc. topics.
   mvsim --version           Shows program version.
   mvsim --help              Shows this information.

Or use `mvsim <COMMAND> --help` for further options

Command mvsim launch

$ mvsim launch --help
Usage: mvsim launch <WORLD_MODEL.xml> [options]

Available options:
--headless              Launch without GUI (e.g. suitable for dockerized envs.)
--full-profiler         Enable full profiling (generates file with all timings)
--realtime-factor <1.0> Run slower (<1) or faster (>1) than real time if !=1.0
-v, --verbosity         Set verbosity level: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, ERROR

This can be used to launch the simulation of a world given the path to its XML definition file. Then you can interact with the robot(s) via keyboard, mouse, or joystick, or via the Python API.

If you want the simulator to communicate via ROS, you must launch the ROS node instead.

Command mvsim server

$ mvsim server --help
Usage: mvsim server

Available options:
-p 23700, --port 23700   Listen on given TCP port.
-v, --verbosity      Set verbosity level: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, ERROR

MVSim uses a communication server, and then the simulation of the world happens in a client called “World”. This command can be used to launch an independent, new server. Normally you will not need to use this command unless you are developing a custom C++-based simulation based on the MVSim libraries.

Command mvsim node

$ mvsim node --help

   mvsim node --help     Show this help
   mvsim node list       List all nodes connected to the server.

Request what MVSim network nodes are active and connected to the running server.

Command mvsim topic

$ mvsim topic --help

   mvsim topic --help            Show this help
   mvsim topic list [--details]  List all advertised topics in the server
   mvsim topic echo <topicName>  Subscribe and print a topic
   mvsim topic hz <topicName>    Estimate topic publication rate (in Hz)

Can be used to list or inspect the publication of MVSim (not ROS!) topics with sensor and pose data. These topics are accessible via the provided Python API, refer to examples: